Although extraction is always a last resort, there are certain situations where removal is the best treatment option. If your wisdom teeth are causing you problems, and extraction is recommended, Lifestyle Dentistry is pleased to offer wisdom teeth removal.
Offering Mississauga Wisdom Teeth Removal Care!

What are Wisdom Teeth and Why Might They Need to be Removed?

The average adult mouth is designed to hold around 28 teeth comfortably, but most adults end up with 32. The additional four teeth are called wisdom teeth, also referred to as third molars. Located in the very back of the mouth, wisdom teeth are generally the last teeth to develop, usually coming in between the ages of 14-30. For some people, wisdom teeth grow properly and cause no problems. For others, however, problems arise, and dental intervention is necessary.
Oftentimes, there is not enough room to accommodate the wisdom teeth, which prevents them from growing properly. For some, wisdom teeth come in only partially through the gums, which allows food to get trapped in the tissue surrounding it, which can lead to bacterial growth, gum infections, cavities, crowding issues with surrounding teeth, and/or severe pain. When wisdom teeth start to grow, they may start to grow in an unusual direction, and this uneven development might lead to complications, including crowding and damage to adjacent second molars. Where there is not enough room for wisdom teeth to grow into the mouth, this is called impacted wisdom teeth. When wisdom teeth become impacted into the jaw, the opening of the mouth may become fertile ground for the growth of bacteria, which can lead to infection in the tissue of the gums, causing extreme discomfort, swelling, pain, and illness. It is often recommended that wisdom teeth be removed early on to avoid future problems and avoid costly surgical procedures.
Why Remove Wisdom Teeth as a Young Adult?

By removing wisdom teeth when a patient is a young adult, potential healing problems can be prevented. When a person reaches their mid-thirties, there are much higher risks involved in wisdom teeth removal. The best time to remove wisdom teeth is generally between the ages of fifteen to eighteen. However, there is no need to worry if you are an adult and need to remove your wisdom teeth. Lifestyle Dentistry takes extra care to make sure our adult patients are comfortable, relaxed, and anxiety-free during the procedure. We will always recommend you continue with your wisdom teeth until intervention is absolutely necessary. When it is necessary to remove your wisdom teeth, a simple and pain-free surgery can be performed.